Artist Who Made People Cry With Her Grim Reaper Animal Comics Is Back, And This Time It’s About Seeing Your Dog Being Put To Sleep


We feel like we’ve been hit right in the guts and the tears are getting harder to hold back. Her latest bittersweet comic was published by German artist Jenny Hefczyc, who goes by Jenny-Jinya online. Jenny drew a story this time about an owner’s emotional difficulties when she takes her dog to the vet to be put to sleep and stays with him in her last moments. It’s so strong it’s sure to make any animal lover’s lower lip twitch.

Take a deep breath, scroll down and tell us how the comic made you feel in the comments and if you’ve ever had to go through what the protagonist has gone through.


As someone who has loved animals all her life, at some point I naturally had to let many go. I take too many sick and injured animals, not all of them make it. Jenny told Bored Panda, “I always stayed with these animals until the end because it felt natural, like the right thing to do.

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Jenny created another comic that is very powerful emotionally


Image credits: jenny_jiny

Give your pet one last great day

This comic took her longer to draw than normal, Jenny said. In this comic, I saw my own dog and it was always unbelievably difficult for me. Rarely have I been so glad that a comic has been done. But I wanted more to talk about this subject.

The artist also told us how we can give our pets one more great day before they are put to sleep, if possible. Let her see her friends again and let her enjoy her favourite meal. Let it know that, above all else, it is cherished. And then accompany her to her last stop, and make sure the last voice she hears is yours.

With her emotional cartoons, the artist continues to attract more and more people. During the last half-year, the number of Jenny’s Instagram followers doubled from 174k in February to 344k in mid-August

The artist revealed some information about her illustration process to Bored Panda earlier. Each comic takes a slightly different amount of time to draw, according to Jenny. A lot depends on the amount of research the illustrator needs to do. She takes very seriously any cartoon she draws.

“However, for the drawing itself, I need about a week,” she said.

People thanked Jenny for her comic and agreed with her message that owners in their last moments should be with their pets


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