“Blobby And Friends” is a collection of 20 comics that masterfully address social injustice in everyday life.


Blobby might look weird on the outside, but who cares? Inside, it’s incredibly cool, and that’s all that matters. This little creature is dependable, useful, and won’t put up with any bullshit. Not surprisingly, they have 465,000 followers. But, if you haven’t heard of this wonderful mush, let’s introduce you both. Blobby and Friends is a fictional character who appears in her sitcom.

It is a project that focuses not only on the healthy way of living, but also on critical social issues such as homelessness and racism. Even more impressive, the stories managed to elicit a chuckle from the audience.


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Lily, their human friend (and I really get to know her for some reason), Ashley, Lily Crush, and Charlie/Punk Kid, who can appear to be a threat but are really the cutest and purest of all even with all the characters that appear in the cartoons Comic. That’s why Charlie wears our underwear like a supermodel,” Zach said with a laugh.



Many web comics avoid debatable subjects. There’s a pun here, a cheesy sentence there, and that’s all there is to it. I’m not implying that this concept is incorrect. There’s definitely a market for it. I just mean that Blobby and Friends stands out among the crowd. Even though the series started out looking a lot like that.”I’m not sure what inspired me to start the comics in the form they are now. We actually started with something very simple, with jokes that were more on the surface level, with charming and cute puns. As the account expanded, we realised we could utilise Blobby to raise awareness about more significant issues “Zack clarified the situation.

“Listening to what our fans had to say made a significant difference for us as well. I can only speak for myself, but I believe I’ve personally developed as a result of the world we’ve created.”




















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