Artist Creatively Reimagined Astrology Signs As Dogs


As a dog owner you may have seen so many avatars of your dog. If you have not tried it on your doggo, you may have surely seen cute dogs wearing amazing costumes. Mostly dog owners are seen recreating historic pictures while featuring their dogs. However don’t say that you have never tried Halloween or Christmas costumes on your dogs.

The fact tis these things reflects love of a doggo owners for their dogs. It’s a symbol of love. When dog owners share pictures of their adorable fluffy friends, people love it and appreciates the owners for bringing so much joy to them. Some artists illustrates dogs disguised in superheroes costumes or their adventures with the dog in a most hilarious way possible.


There’s an artist who tried to capture dogs as Astrology signs. This new way of dog art got all the applause from the various parts of the world. People loved it appreciates the artist for doing such a nice and unique work.

We have compiled a list of some of their illustrations where artist reimagined the Astrology signs as dogs. Scroll down and take a look at these creatively drawn illustrations that will bring you one step closer to the artworks. Let us know about your #1 Astrology sign from the collection.


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings

Artist has an Instagram account where you can find all the comics and illustrations. They have gain 2.3K Instagram followers


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings


Image Source : comicmusings


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