Newest Jenny Jinya Tale About Rescue Adoption


Every animal deserves to be loved, cared for, and respected. No matter how it appears. After all, it’s what’s on the inside that counts, not the scars we show the rest of the world. Unfortunately, the real world is not built this way, and many people cannot see beyond the “ugliness” of a pet and want to adopt a more attractive animal.

Jenny-Jinya, aka Jenny Hefczyc, a German artist, portrayed this heartbreaking truth in her comic book about an “ugly” dog that no one wants to take home with them. Comedy was developed by the illustrator as a way of discussing how often people look outside.


This, like all Jenny comics, has a sweet, bitter, and surprising result. Take a look at yourself, Pandas, and be sure to tell us how this floor affected you. We know you love Jenny’s work very much.

Jenny told Bored Panda in an interview that she donates money to animal shelters every month and that the majority of her information about what’s going on there comes from workers who interact with her digitally. “According to the messages I received, last year many shelters had difficulty. Due to Covid, many organizations were unable to host fundraising activities, resulting in a shortage of donations” says the author

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Jenny created another powerful comic. This one is about how people treat a shelter dog that looks different than everyone else


We can only guess, from the artist’s point of view, why many people are worried about the appearance of their pets in the future. “We all know that black cats and dogs are often overlooked for adoption because some people say they don’t picture well. I have a feeling it’s less about human-animal chemistry and more about how ‘attractive’ the animal is.

Stars who flaunt their “designer pets” and advocate for unhealthy breeding rather than adoption may also be a problem.”

When it came to the artist’s plans for 2021, she decided to keep things under wraps, saying, “I can’t say much yet, but there are a lot of plans.” Not only in the new comics, but also in print.” One thing is for sure: We can’t wait to see what Jenny does next.

Over 254.4 thousand people watched the comic Jenny, which was released on Christmas Eve. The artist has 469 thousand followers on Instagram and continues to attract new fans with her passionate art.

Her goal is to use her graphics to create worlds and tell stories. However, Jenny, like other musicians, takes breaks. Because of the sensitivity of the topics, the stories you write require a lot of study, which can be stressful. So, after the release of a new comic, she takes a few days off to relax.


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