Artist Makes Funny Comics About What It’s Like Living With A Cat, And Cat Owners Can Relate (20 New Pics)


When you live with a feisty cat, life is never dull, and comic book artist Nick Filippou and his cat Minnie are a good example of that. Nick makes comics based on his everyday life with his cat and captures hilarious moments most cat owners can relate to.

We previously featured Nick’s comics here on Bored Panda and you can find them by clicking here for part 1.


In a previous interview, Nick explained the full context of his comics: “So the comics are about my real-life rescue cat, Minnie. I adopted Minnie 5 years ago from a shelter in Baltimore. She was a former stray and part of a TNR (neutral trap release) program who spent most of her life living outside. The severed ear in the comics is real, and it’s from her being a part of the TNR program. My first comic came from a Christmas poem I wrote about the cat’s perspective from ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas’ and have been drawing them ever since. Minnie is always the inspiration.”

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Bored Panda reached out to Nick with more questions about him and his work! First, we asked if the artist was perhaps working on some new projects that we might be looking forward to.

“There are some! Something important that is happening in my personal life is that my wife and I are expecting! I have many ideas that Minnie and the baby go on adventures… and drive her human father crazy…

A larger project I’ve been working on is a collection of short stories featuring Minnie and other cat adventures. I have no idea how long this will take, but it’s something I’m having fun with!”




We also wanted to know if the artist had a comic they were proud of, and we thought it would be only fair if they shared their thoughts with us!

“That’s hard… I really like the ‘Alone Together’ comic where Minnie decides to be ‘alone’ with the human and it’s exactly what he needed. I also enjoyed doing all the Halloween comics like ‘Monster Under The Bed’ and Christmas comics. My favorite series has to be The Tuna Chronicles. I had a lot of fun making them.”









When it comes to people having opinions about his comics, here’s what the artist thinks: “I just hope my comics can bring people joy. There’s a lot going on in this world, and if a comic about Minnie plotting to murder a houseplant makes you laugh, that’s a win for me.”

Each artist has different plans for the future, and this is what Nick’s ideal future would look like.

“I would like to collect more books and collections! I would really love to see my comics physically in a bookstore like Barnes and Noble one day. That has always been a dream of mine.”















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