Kim is a renegade webcom cartoonist best known for his webcomic finesse of the unbecoming. The Reddot on Kim, a popular Instagram account, shamelessly draws a variety of hilarious irregularities in the form of comedy. Caricatures of him cover a wide range of topics, from seductive innuendo to the agony of wearing spanx.
The artist enjoys experimenting with improper ideas and her Instagram post has earned over 348k loyal followers. When it comes to her next idea, nothing is off the table, according to the artist. As long as it’s fun.










Kim is a renegade webcom cartoonist best known for his series finess the improper. The Reddot on Kim, a popular Instagram account, unapologetically draws a range of comic-style impropriety. Her cartoons include a wide range of topics, from seductive innuendos to spanx pain.The artist enjoys experimenting with improper ideas, and her instagram account currently has over 348k loyal followers. When it comes to her next concept, the artist claims that nothing is off the table. So long as it’s a good laugh








Kim is a renegade webcom cartoonist best known for his webcomic finess the improper. The Reddot on Kim, a popular Instagram account, unashamedly draws a range of amusing impropriety in comedic form. Her cartoons cover a wide range of topics, from seductive innuendos to the agony of wearing spanx.
The artist enjoys experimenting with improper ideas, and her Instagram post has gained over 348k loyal followers. When it comes to her next idea, nothing is off the table, according to the artist. As long as it’s amusing
