We are fortunate that, since the advent of social networks, comics are shared daily. They are very popular and are uploaded by a diverse group of talented artists from around the world.
Some illustrators have been creating and sharing their work with a large audience for a long time, but new ones always emerge.
Today, we will see the work of Dieter Bevers, a Belgian freelance cartoonist. In Belgium, the United States and other nations of the world, he has won numerous awards for cartoons. The artist is capable of entertaining with basic yet effective comics that can make you smile.
More info: Instagram | quatsch.be

Dieter told Bored Panda that he gets most of his ideas for cartoons from everyday life: “For example, when I see or read about schoolkids going in a bus, a voice in my head says, “Hey, wouldn’t it be interesting if, instead of simply kids, there was also an alien xenomorph in this school bus?” Then I try to depict this concept in a cartoon.”


Dieter provided some other instances of how he generates ideas for his comics: “When I see a photo of a luxury interior in a magazine, I imagine who would live in such a place. Then my mind wanders, and I imagine that the opulent living room belongs to a flea: I envision a flea standing in this opulent interior, bragging to another flea, ‘We also have a poodle in the Hamptons.’ As a result, I changed the background from a house or apartment to a dog.”




Belgian culture is dominated by comic books. Dieter claimed that as a child, he read all of the Belgian classics: “I read Jef Nys’ ‘Jommeke’ and Willy Vandersteen’s ‘Suske en Wiske.’ Of course, there’s Morris’ ‘Lucky Luke.’” Later, the artist moved on to Marc Sleen’s “Nero” and Franquin’s “Guust Flater.” Dieter then discovered Comès, Muoz/Sampayo, Altan, Charles Burns, Claire Bretecher, Jim Woodring, and a slew of other international comics.
“When I was little, my favourite comic was ‘Guust Flater.’ You may know him by his French name, Gaston Lagaffe, but I was born and raised in the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium (Flanders). What was it about this one that made it my favourite? Gaston’s exploits were usually entertaining, and Franquin’s drawings were fantastic. ‘The Bravo Brothers,’ in which Gaston buys three chimps from a circus and brings them to his office, is my favourite Gaston storey.”











