Artist Made People Cry With Her Comics That Illustrates, How Your Dog Cares For You Even After He’s Gone (Part 2)


We all know that losing someone special is the most difficult thing in the world. When you’re doing fun together, spending quality time together and going through all the goods and bads together but than suddenly your other part passes away leaving you alone to bear all the pain. It is the most difficult time in person’s life.

Similarly replacing a new pets with the old ones can’t fill the void our old fellows created in our heart. The reason is we never get over of the loss of our furry friend. And that’s why we never treat our new pet in a same manner we used to treat the old one. Because somethings are irreplaceable.


We all know artist Jenny who always brings something new to spread awareness among the people. This time she continued old sequel where a boy had to put his dog down. And can’t get over of his dog’s loss. She creatively illustrated how a dog cares for his owner even after he’s gone. If you haven’t seen part 1, here is the link. Go ahead and have a look at previous part of the sequel to understand it well.

Scroll down to see the part 2 of emotional tale of dog owner and his dog who’s no more with him. I am sure this will relate to you if you have ever put your dog down. Drop the pic of your dog who’s no more in the comments below.

Image Source : jenny_jinya
Image Source : jenny_jinya
Image Source : jenny_jinya

Jenny has her own Instagram account where she keep update her fans with all of her latest comics. She has gain 533K Instagram followers. The numbers are increasing with each coming day.

Image Source : jenny_jinya
Image Source : jenny_jinya
Image Source : jenny_jinya
Image Source : jenny_jinya
Image Source : jenny_jinya
Image Source : jenny_jinya
Image Source : jenny_jinya


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